Can adolescents be “in recovery”? Findings from a large state-wide study

One in ten American adults have resolved a significant substance use problem, and half of them identify as being in recovery, yet much less is known about adolescents in this regard. This study investigated the recovery status of adolescents. WHAT PROBLEM DOES THIS STUDY ADDRESS? The impact of alcohol and other substance use on adolescents […]
Active strategies to enhance young adults’ medication adherence also reduce opioid use

The opioid use disorder medication, extended-release naltrexone, protects against a return to opioid use. Yet, it is often difficult to initiate and sustain use of medication, especially for youth and young adults. This randomized controlled trial examined whether an intervention consisting of multiple strategies to enhance medication adherence increased receipt of medication and improved opioid use outcomes among young adults after residential treatment. WHAT PROBLEM DOES THIS STUDY ADDRESS? […]
Leveraging opportunities to address early substance use for youth in primary care settings

During adolescence, youth often begin to experiment with alcohol or other drugs. Early intervention is key to preventing substance use consequences. Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) is the recommended evidence-based approach to providing early intervention with youth seen in primary care, but this seldom occurs. This study examined youth substance use reported […]
Treatment plus…? What additional components sustain treatment effects among youth?

Adolescents and emerging adults have worse outcomes including higher substance use and treatment drop-out compared to older adults. Strategies sensitive to their developmental realities that are helpful in reducing substance use and the need for additional treatment can help but, little is known about what to add. This study examined whether different components added to […]
“Being present for your life again”: Young adults’ views of recovery

In the United States, there is a large gap between the number of young adults with substance use disorder and the number who engage with specialty addiction treatment. Reasons accounting for the difficulty of engaging this population include both individual barriers (e.g., motivation) and external barriers (e.g., lack of treatment affordability or access). In this […]
Professionally delivered “peer network counseling” as a brief intervention for youth: Best for those with highest substance use

Intervening with youth who have started to experiment with alcohol or other drugs is often key to stopping escalation. Brief interventions may be a cost-efficient approach, but there is a gap in understanding who may respond best. This study examined a brief, socially-based intervention, Peer Network Counseling, to answer these questions. WHAT PROBLEM DOES THIS […]
In young adult heavy drinkers, does naltrexone work better for those drinking for reward compared with those drinking to cope?

Young adulthood is a time of increased experimentation and heavy use of alcohol and onset of alcohol use disorder. Treatments that help to reduce risky drinking are a necessity for this age group. Detecting for whom these interventions may or may not work best can improve tailoring of treatments to specific patient subgroups. This study […]
Adolescents may develop some substance use disorders more quickly than young adults

Young people are more susceptible to the harmful effects of substance use due to neurocognitive sensitivities. When initiating drug use at an early age, young people are at increased risk for a more rapid transition to substance use disorder compared to adults. Identifying risk for developing substance use disorder among individuals who use drugs can […]
Individual, family, school, and community-level protective factors for substance among adolescents with adverse childhood experiences

Adolescents that have experienced adverse childhood experiences are more likely to use substances. Yet, adolescents are also resilient. This study sought to explore what individual, family, school, and community–level factors buffer the negative effects of adverse childhood experiences on the likelihood of substance use among adolescents. WHAT PROBLEM DOES THIS STUDY ADDRESS? Adolescence is a developmental period marked with […]